By btg - 06/02/2010 06:27 - United States

Today, I found out that my girlfriend feeds her boogers to our dog. Sometimes she even makes her do tricks for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 243
You deserved it 3 549

Same thing different taste


awesome576 0

ok that's is so ****** GROSSSSSSS EWWW

YunqFlyMa21o 0
perdix 29

Anyone ever seen what a dog does around a cat's litter box? Boogers ain't nuthin'!

Lol, I had a black Shar Pai, and every time he'd go get some "Kitty Box Crunchies" as we called them in my house, he'd always have specks of litter all over his nose to give him away.

perdix 29

I remember the time when my dog sampled had a "Kitty Tootsie Roll" and then licked my face. Ugh! Good thing that was about 20 years ago!

That's too funny~! (As long as he doesn't hunt you down for "Daddy kisses" after getting frenzied up by the trick or treat session your GF just gave him~!) EW~!

omey123 0

This is a horrible fml to read after eating.....

saranottelling 7

and you have the gutts to call her "your girlfriend" ? Gosh.