By Alexandra - 05/03/2013 20:17 - United States - Gaithersburg

Today, I found out that my boyfriend and one of his friends have been having sex with each other. His excuse? "She's my best friend, we do this all the time." I have been dating him for over a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 759
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's trying to work his way towards a threesome, he's doing it wrong.

Does he actually think that is a good excuse? I'm seriously wondering if people can be this stupid and inconsiderate.


sugarshane007 20

It must be that new game from Zynga - Cheating With Friends. Just make sure you give it a low rating in the app store.

I have sex with my best friend all the time! :D The difference is that neither of us is having sex with anyone else.

Twisted_Angel 17

think maybe it's time for you to find a new boyfriend... yes, friends with benefits happen, but shouldn't happen when one person is in a relationship... get rid of his ass. let his friend have him, you're better off.

Too make it fair you should sleep with your guy best friend and when he asks why you tell him its fair.

oj101 33

They're not just bestfriends. They are bestfriends with benefits.

I actually misread this as "he's my best friend."

girl_on_fire2111 6

I hope you broke up with his dumb ass.

So... you didn't know he was cheating with a girl who is his BEST friend for a year?

Boys and girls can't be best friends, or what?

CelticMarine 3

My best friend is a guy and we've never had sex. We went to movies and bars and everything, I don't know of any of his girlfriends (or now wife) or my boyfriends (or now husband) ever would've thought we were hooking up. You can be just friends

Christ, my heart goes out to you. I'd have no issue with this sort of thing if it was consenting, knowing parties all around, but this is just disgusting. I beseech you to dump him; you deserve better than a lying, cheating sack of shit.

Guys differentiate between love and sex. They aren't the same thing to us. No excuses though he totally should have been open about that BEFORE getting involved with you. He didn't so he's an idiot. Joey's parents from 'Friends' is an example. But OP's (hopefully) ex-bf shoulda been upfront.