By Alexandra - 05/03/2013 20:17 - United States - Gaithersburg

Today, I found out that my boyfriend and one of his friends have been having sex with each other. His excuse? "She's my best friend, we do this all the time." I have been dating him for over a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 759
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's trying to work his way towards a threesome, he's doing it wrong.

Does he actually think that is a good excuse? I'm seriously wondering if people can be this stupid and inconsiderate.


What a douche. Hope he's your ex now.. You deserve better. That's a sad excuse.

I don't think I've had a single best friend that hasn't turned into some level of "with benefits"

xKeroseneHearts 9

Friendship is the best thing ever! Except for best friendship, which is a little better. ;)

Wish I had a bestfriend with benefits lmfaoooo

flashback_fml 14

Wish my best friends were like that

45: By "polyamory" do you mean polygomy? Seriously, they don't even sound that similar.... OP: Dumb that jerk. Get him naked as though you're going to sleep with him, then chuck him out of the house a start a siren so all the neighbours will come out and see hi and THEN dump him. Revenge! B)