By littl3storm - 12/05/2019 21:30

Today, I found out that I work with a bunch of sex addicts. One of them is my cousin, and she did NOT hold back when telling me her and her fiancé's plans about swinging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 933
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Sex addict” means you’re bitter about not being in those plans.

He's not wrong, Addict is the incorrect term. It's more like 'Enthusiasts'!


“Sex addict” means you’re bitter about not being in those plans.

He's not wrong, Addict is the incorrect term. It's more like 'Enthusiasts'!

bloopaloop 27

Game of thrones fans I’m sure

manb91gb 15

Join in! The family that plays together... Gets AIDS.... Together..

Phil 14

How does a topic like that even come up at work? Unless you're employed in a family business, and even then.

Monkey16 7

Ever heard of open relationships? Doesn’t mean they are sex addicts just more open about their sex life than most. 🤷🏻‍♀️