Get it where you can

By a…… - 07/02/2023 22:00 - Argentina

Today, my mom came home unusually early from work and walked in on me hooking up with a guy. What made it more embarrassing is the fact that I’m 19 and my hookup is 52. FML
I agree, your life sucks 261
You deserved it 1 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, he's 52 and he chose to come hook up with you at your mom's place instead of his own place or a hotel because... there aren't many good reasons, honestly.


Yeah, he's 52 and he chose to come hook up with you at your mom's place instead of his own place or a hotel because... there aren't many good reasons, honestly.

Maybe think with your head on top of your shoulders, this guy is most likely married and you're nothing more than the side piece.

Wring out all you can out of the sugar daddies while you have your youth.

You embarrassed yourself in front of Derek Jeter. I mean... your mom.