By hedgehog5 - 11/04/2009 19:14 - United States

Today, I found out my blood type is B. My parents are type A and type O. It's not genetically possible to be blood type B if your parents are A and O. This means I am either an adoptee, a mutant, or an illegitimate child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 186 857
You deserved it 9 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

may_cause_fail 0

WHOOPS!!!! Your parents have some SERIOUS explaining to do!!!!


I vote mutant! Donate your body to science when you die, so they can study your mutation,

#14 I know what you're talking about, but anyone else would be confused as **** by that explanation. To better explain that, the Bombay phenotype occurs when a person expresses the O blood type, but has a different genotype (one coding for B, AB, A, etc). It only occurs when the parent is homozygous recessive for a very rare gene that prevents the person from synthesizing the antigens which we use to determine blood type (resulting in the O blood type even though they're genes make them a different blood type). It's more likely that you're adopted or you're not your father's child. However, it is possible, so I would ask your mother about it. Anyways, that's a terrible way to find out, and I'm sorry to hear that.

no actually your explanation was MUCH more confusing

guestxxx 0

Thank you, this explination was less confusing.

I have to disagree - I have never heard of Bombay phenotype but this explanation makes perfect sense. There is also another even more outlandish possibility; some people are actually chimeric - check wikipedia "chimera (genetics)" for an explanation. It is possible, however outlandish, that one of the OP's parents has bone marrow (and therefore blood) with genes for one blood type but reproductive organs with genes for a different blood type.

I'm gonna go with illegitamite; your parent would've probably told you if you were adopted and mutant is out of the question.

goddamn, fyl indeed. i like how science savvy you are, though ; ]

You are an illegitimately adopted mutant child.

JoshBarblahblah 0

My bio teacher in 12th grade had a similar situation. He used to make everyone find out their parent's blood types while teaching genetics. Some girl, who already knew her blood type, was very confused about how she could have her blood type, given what her parents had. He stopped doing that assignment.

The same thing actually happened to MY 12th grade biotech teacher, except it was a little more complicated than blood type. A lot of our labs were dealing with DNA (specifically, gel electrophoresis) and I guess she used to do a lab where you would run your family's DNA and yours and see the similarities etc. Then much as in the situation you described, one day some girl's DNA didn't match at all. She was adopted. Oops. Sorry you had to find out this way, OP...although, do talk to your mother. Maybe it's not what you think?

Lol #13 I'm sure one of your parents is ambidextrous, but has right handed gene.

you know, sometimes i wish i WAS adopted... sorry you had to find out that way