By Anonymous - 18/04/2019 02:00

Today, I found out I'm going to have to come into the office on yet another weekend to plow snow. This wouldn't be so bad, if I actually got paid to work weekends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 929
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

If you don't get paid, why go?

lkb307 21

it is against the law for them to make you work and not pay you.


manb91uk 22

If you don't get paid, why go?

lkb307 21

it is against the law for them to make you work and not pay you.

manb91uk 22

You're an idiot if you didn't make sure that overtime payments were additional to your salary. Besides, even if you didn't (and you probably didn't) if the average pay per hour falls below the Minimum Wage the yes, it would actually be illegal. You don't know much about employment law, or anything really, do you?

thejugglingbear 2

He did say though he wasn’t getting paid though.

Ahh, the "joy" of being a salaried worker in the good ol' USA.....

Nope. No pay, no work. You're an employee, not a slave, check your contract and work laws in your area. Stop being a pushover.

Then don't If you keep doing it for free, they'll keep asking

Doesn’t sound like they’re asking.

dudeisuck 7

**** that. i wouldnt go do it. if you are not getting paid you are not required to work. unless its a salary position, then you are boned.

Don't show up if they aren't paying you.

Illegal in all developed Western countries.