By Nxydolli - 29/04/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I found myself crying for an hour when my recreated crush on The Sims 3 game rejected my character and ran off with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 154
You deserved it 56 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only is that sad on many levels but not even a character in game wants you so in that case FYL.


Xtra_Cheddar 3

why are you even on this website? go work on getting a real girlfriend

I have three words to say to you and that's: Get a life.

this says volumes about how much you are #loosing.

mickigergen 0

it's always harsh when you try and escape reality by creating another just the why you want it and it still finds a way to kick you in the ass

Angi95 3

Makes since I agree with you.

PerryFlynn 0

I think I get her... really one hour for a the sims?

Why did you cry? Because you're a moron?

notstarboard 0
Playful1985 9

You need to get out of the house!

I really enjoy playing the Sims, but not THAT much . FYL .