By ihavepinkbackpac - 28/02/2009 19:07 - United States

Today, I forgot to do my French homework, but since it was an online worksheet, I told my teacher my internet wasn't working. I told her with an e-mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 809
You deserved it 803 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her your ISP mistakenly blocked ports 80, 8080,8000, etc. so you could still e-mail but not use http stuff

haha you think a retard who would email that to his teacher would be smart enough to make up that shit about ports and http?


MattR 0

Possible the most hilarious FML yet.

esklstar 0

wow ydi... you should have known... lol thats what u get for lying to her anyway.

ehomz 0
footballman2 0

#26 is there really such thing as hahah!

Just say you sent it through your phone or something like that. But you're kind of stupid. And YDI for being dishonest. And also, if you're this stupid, maybe you should pay more attention in school.

seayjoel 0

Well deserved lol sorry dude but that's pretty dumb

this is beautiful:) were you high or something? LMFAO