By Dana - 10/05/2011 08:36 - Netherlands

Today, I finally mustered the courage to tell my crush how I feel. He's a straight-A student and very nice in general. After I finished pouring my heart out, he stared at me for a bit and then said: "Nice rack." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 125
You deserved it 12 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Take that as a compliment OP. Most guys think of it as a compliment in the highest manor when giving it.

SpectSelf 0

just because he gets straight A's doesn't mean he has no dick


cptmorgan15 2

When will girls learn guys don't talk about feelings. If you like a person, approach them differently than unloading all your feelings on him and expecting a perfect response. Notice how every FML about telling someone your feelings ends awfully.

Well, duhhh. It doesn't mean things ALWAYS end terribly. Its just that when it doesn't end "awfully" it's not gonna get posted on FML

cptmorgan15 2

I understand that nobody's going to post a FML if it ends well, but there are so many FML's like this. It makes you think that most situations like this one end poorly. Guess I should've worded it differently.

"When will girls learn guys don't talk about feelings." Oh God. Don't act like all men are emotionless couch potatoes with a lack of hygiene and romanticism, constantly farting and burting, spending their day watching **** and sport, whilst their girlfriend is making a sammich for them. Every normal human being has feelings (this includes men) and every normal human being communicates about their feelings.

cptmorgan15 2

Lol alright Djeepee. I stand corrected. But most guys will not pour their feelings out on someone. Ya we say things about how we feel, but we keep things bottled up more than girls do (with exceptions).

Yeah but most guys wont spray their feelings all over unsuspecting strangers like OP did. Given that love is to girls what sex is to boys, its like she masturbated all over him. It was rude and disgusting.

CateXOX 0

90- I'm not sure it was quite that bad but I get where you're coming from.

Well having boobs never hurt your chances with guys....

see, you thought he was staring into your eyes when he really staring into your "eyes" =P

At least he didn't say "wow your rack is almost as nice as my moms!" Get over it and go on a date.

Well, at least we know the "straight" part is true about OP's crush.

skyeyez9 24

Why are guys fascinated with boobies?

skyeyez9 24

I'm serious though. Curious to hear answers from guys as to why. Is it because they jiggle when we run or jump? cause men dont have big boobs so they like them more?

It's passed down since primitive times I guess, same reason as big hips = good for child bearing? Boobies that don't sag = Youthful?

Because they are absolutely delicious.

Read "Sex at Dawn". All will be explained.

MuchDance90s 0

Same reason as hips. Fertility. Boobs = food for the baby. Also, they're feminine. Even the smallest breasts are feminine because they're made from different hormones/tissue. For the most part.

sweetheartslim 0

I don't know but it works for me... I've got 38Ds

So you tell this guy your crushing on that he's the love of your life or something like that? He probably didn't know what to say, that's pretty heavy to be laying on someone whom I'm guessing hasn't shown interest in you up to this point?? Have some tact for gods sake, what ever happened to flirting and reading signs to see if someone likes you? Is a guy just supposed to automatically like you because you really have a huge crush on him?

skyeyez9 24

Imo alot of teens today are clueless on subtle cues and body language. They rely on internet and texting for communication vs face to face. You can tell if someone likes you by subtle clues (some they do subconsciously). Interacting with people directly helps you learn and detect these behaviors and physical mannerisms.

kasumii 1

What a jerk. Now get over him.

harbqll 0

Congrats! You've just discovered what thousands of generations of women before you already knew: nice boobs are evolutionarily advantageous for attracting mates. Good to see you're keeping up with the rest of the class.

What's the problem? Seems like you were successful. At the point of that ice-breaking compliment (as after your self-absorbed 'feelings' diatribe it was probably all crickets and tumble weeds), all you needed to do was a small laugh, grab his hand and lean forward and kiss him.