By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, I finally decided to get a dog. I have always been wanting to get one ever since I was a child. I bought a $1,400 Golden Retriever. I went out for lunch a few hours later with a friend, so I left my dog in the backyard. I came back home to a broken fence and no dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 860
You deserved it 64 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you tie it up? If it was a new pet, you don't know how it's going to react. YDI for not making sure it was secure!

dont have kids, please you cant even take care of a dog...


YDI. God, didn't you know you can't leave the dog alone right away? They're not toys.

you should know how to take care of a dog before you buy one.. and let me get this right... instead of going to search and look for it, which I would be doing until I found it... you decide going on your computer to submitt it as a fml is a much better idea. idiot.

Wow, retard over here. A strong, excitable, friendly, RETRIEVING puppy left in a fence for like an hour and a half..not surprised that he's gone at all. idiot.

jessicaaalert 0

that's what you get for not rescuing a pound puppy.

#33, because clearly from the post, the TC didn't take any time whatsoever to look for the dog. TC came home, saw the dog was missing, and jumped right on his computer. Wait... you mean... it doesn't say that? You have no way of knowing he did that? For all you know he spent hours looking for the dog before giving up for the day and sitting down on his computer? But... that would make you... how do you say... ah, yes... an idiot. Hell, notice the time he posted it: 11:40 PM. And it's been missing since lunch. I'll let you do the math on that.

quesoesbueno59 0

I don't think buying a $1,400 purebred is such a good idea for a first dog. Go and find a mutt. They are just as good as a purebred and have more personality, IMO. And you should also know how to care for a dog first. They require a lot of work to take care of, which is probably the reason your parents didn't want to get one.

OMG. If you get a dog you should know what to do with it. Jesus christ. Dogs do things like that.

YDI, you don't leave a dog outside unattended for any reason.

@29, purebreds don't even cost that much. OP probably went down to his/her local pet store and bought the cute puppy wuppy in the tiny widdle cage, and didn't think twice. I haven't even seen show dogs from breeders that cost that much, especially for a golden. Try 600-800 for a pet quality, and maybe 1k for show quality. Maybe. @OP YDI for leaving your new puppy outside all damn day. Dumbass. Next time get a needy dog from a shelter or a healthy dog from a reputable breeder, and if you're gonna leave it, keep it inside. Think of your new puppy like a kid: if he can do it, he will.

There are also a lot of people being way too critical about the dog being left out. Note that he had a fence. Maybe he left the dog out because it wasn't housebroken yet. Maybe he left it out because he thought it would enjoy some sunshine. Maybe he left it out because he had a ******* fence around his yard and generally fences stop things like this from happening.