By laurencoc - 31/08/2015 22:50 - Australia - Perth

Today, I dyed my hair purple. I came out of the salon and a little girl walked past and said, "Wow, you look like a mermaid!", to which her mother quickly said, "No she doesn't, she looks like her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 965
You deserved it 5 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ridiculous. If anything, that little girl's mother doesn't love HER enough to let her express herself. She's teaching her daughter to judge others based on what they look like. Parenting fail.

your answer to that lil child " your mom is jealous honey"


She was right. My kid knows better than to come home with hair like that.

ouijacorn 9

Mom's just jealous cause she's afraid she can't pull it off. if you want to try something different next time, work some other colors into the tips for a gradient effect! You can look like a super-mermaid if you go from light blue to purple or teal to dark blue. :)

Wait what colour should she have dyed it? I'm curious to what colour equals the most amount of love a mother gives.

That was probably because she doesn't want her daughter doing that. Don't take it personal.

Axel5238 29

Dying your hair wild colors as some one said above for the older generations was an act of rebellion. A lot of older people still hold this to be true. Dying hair and tattoos being common are great, but a lot of the older generation associate that with certain things. It's unnecessary, but if you are gonna do it you gotta be aware of things that will happen as a result.

This is so true! I've seen so many posts on here that basically say, "Today, I made an unusual and conspicuous change to my appearance, and somebody commented on it. FML." It's something people should think about before doing something drastic with their appearance. And of course they have the right to dye their hair purple, or get tattoos on their face, or get three piercings in each eyebrow, but they have to realize that those things will have an effect on how people see them and react to them. If the annoyance of having people commenting on their body alteration outweighs the enjoyment the body alteration brings them, then maybe they should rethink their decision.

TallMist 32

141, Or maybe the people judging OP simply shouldn't.

Sorry but this made me laugh. Some people are ridiculous.

Had this happen to me actually. Except my mom was that mom. She drove all the way up to my college and made me dye it back. I'm an adult, but apparently it's not my hair

My mom had her hair streaked with purple that ended up with all of it purple for a while when I was in middle school. Mothers deserve awesome hair too!