By laurencoc - 31/08/2015 22:50 - Australia - Perth

Today, I dyed my hair purple. I came out of the salon and a little girl walked past and said, "Wow, you look like a mermaid!", to which her mother quickly said, "No she doesn't, she looks like her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 965
You deserved it 5 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ridiculous. If anything, that little girl's mother doesn't love HER enough to let her express herself. She's teaching her daughter to judge others based on what they look like. Parenting fail.

your answer to that lil child " your mom is jealous honey"


Who wants to bet that little girl is going to be a future OP.?

Op I can personally say that I have had my hair all different colors and my mother loves me. :) That lady is a judgemental bitch.

the mother was definitely rude, but you have to remember that until recently dyeing your hair anything but a natural color was considered an act of rebellion. I mean we still have other FML's about getting disrespected for writing with left hands. Stuff like this will perpetuate until the generation it comes from is expired.

You should've said to the kid "I'm your mom from 20 years ago"

hayylers 12

Last year I had a few streaks in my hair when I went to grab groceries and the same thing happened! I called my mom laughing because she's the one that does them for me

Vanillalife 19

No worries, OP, I know that feel! I have pink hair and I was in the store a few days ago when a little boy told me that I looked like a pony. I thought it was adorable but his mother kept apologizing to me and scolding him for it! I think the parents are scared of us above anything else, LOL

that's mean, but you're never going to see her again.

Wow. Just go with the child's comment.

I'm sorry to hear that woman said that about you OP just because of the color you decided to dye your hair but I understand how you feel bc my hair is pink and people always stare which I find to be extremely rude

Jwaye2 7

No offense but if you didnt want people to look it it you probably shouldnt have dyed it a bright colour that stands out. I have a couple of friends with bright colour hair (Purple and Blue) and i think you will find 'most' of the people staring are not judging but just find it interesting and different.

That still doesn't justify saying her parents don't love her, that's just harsh.