By Whoops - 03/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I discovered the guy that sits next to me in class is actually a girl. Not only is that bad, but we had to write a paper about each other. I used the words "him" and "he", and read it to the whole class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 261
You deserved it 42 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are some people like that at my school, including a teacher. Nobody knows whether it's a man or a woman, so we can't say "Mr." or Ms." We try not to address him/her at all, and in private we just call the teacher "it." We always feel bad about it, but there's seriously no way to tell. Some people are just like that.


w01ph13 0

I once asked out a girl name Stacy. Appearently Stacy is a name the goes both ways.....

Imagine how embarassed she must have been! Ahh. Horrible. Still wanna know how you wrote a whole paper about her though...without figure it out. Hah.

Did she have a complete lack of ****? Or was she THAT ugly?

Twin_Uzis 0

Haha, oh man. I remember in high school, there was this one person that I always thought was just an ugly, fat chick. Long hair and everything. Took me two months to find out his name was Justin.

GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

I've been fooled before also, so don't feel too bad. It's really hard to tell nowadays though.

ChemiclyInsane 0

Dont feel day I walked into the girls bathroom and saw this girl who I had thought for years was a guy and I asked my friend why there was a guy in the girls bathroom.and thats when i found out.I mean she had a mullet and everything I had no idea.

honestly, how could you not tell if they were a boy or a girl? you seem like a person who doesnt pay attention to much.. or ur just plain retarded. even if it *was* on accident, u just seem like a douche bag

wow that sucks sometimes there are peole like that. she probably wears guy clothes, which tend to be baggy and less revealing than girly clothes, and she might have a low voice too, or she doesnt talk much. It's not like it's the OP's fault.

lol ive done the same thing!!!! but i didn't get screwed like you did when i found out

spongebobrocks 0

Didn't you ever hear the teacher call out the person's name..?