By Whoops - 03/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I discovered the guy that sits next to me in class is actually a girl. Not only is that bad, but we had to write a paper about each other. I used the words "him" and "he", and read it to the whole class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 261
You deserved it 42 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are some people like that at my school, including a teacher. Nobody knows whether it's a man or a woman, so we can't say "Mr." or Ms." We try not to address him/her at all, and in private we just call the teacher "it." We always feel bad about it, but there's seriously no way to tell. Some people are just like that.


MollyConnelly 0

#129, my boyfriend is ftm, he prefers male pronouns. I think he'd laugh if I or anyone else called him 'zhe' #130, kudos.

Singer_of_songs 0

I feel for you, that totally frickin sucks.

Wow these fml are so bad. I can't stand reading them. How can you not tell that the person you sat next to was a girl or not.....I bet most of the fml are made up.

PenelopeTupee 0

#140 - Don't dismiss it as being fake just yet. A few days ago in one of my classes, we had to ask the person next to us what their heritage was and then present it to the class. This one guy spent 5 minutes asking this MAN what his nationality and heritage was, but when it came time to present it, he adressed HIM as a HER. He had spent 5 to 10 minutes with him and couldn't tell that it was a man. So I can believe this.

haha_lmao_rofl 0

lmao, few chicks in our school like that. but i have to say, that sounds like an EPIC FAIL. =D

TGFkratos 0

i feel you i had the same problem my freshman year of highschool..i was in earth science though..i never saw the girl in my class again

serialmom12 0

You must be sitting next to my friend's daugher Amy. She looks just like a man and has one eyebrow and sideburns. She has a picture of Amy and her husband and their son on her desk, and people come up and ask me if they are a gay male couple that adopted a kid!!!

Today, the girl i sat next to read a paper about me to the whole class. She refered te me as he and him. I'm a girl. FML

hawtstuff92 0

that really sucks. im guessing you dont sit next to "him" anymore ;) my boyfriend did that, it was hilarious but he was soo embarassed.