By seriously? - 27/05/2014 22:23 - United States - Manassas

Today, I discovered that my dad still doesn't consider my career as an app developer a "real job". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 341
You deserved it 7 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I honestly don't know why it reminds you of Portland, Maine either.


If it pays the bills, and you live comfortably it's a good carreer

if you make enough money, don't live at his house and own your own car it shouldn't matter.

he may change his mind when you make more money than he does!

Slavgaard 16

show him your paycheck... if you are embarrassed to, then get a real job.

It's a real job.. But it'd be hard to make a career out of it

Probably due to the fact of all the fun you are having to do so

kewpiesuicide 29

I get that all the time too! I'm a photo retouch artist and work from home so everyone accuses me of not having a 'real job'. Sorry, just because I don't work 9-5 in a cubicle doesn't mean I don't get paid.

Attacksloth 33

In a rapidly expanding digital age, I'd say you have one of the most sought after and valuable jobs. My friend does app development full time - gets paid 50k a year. Financially worth it, and you're doing what you love.