By seriously? - 27/05/2014 22:23 - United States - Manassas

Today, I discovered that my dad still doesn't consider my career as an app developer a "real job". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 341
You deserved it 7 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I honestly don't know why it reminds you of Portland, Maine either.


He is just jealous because your non-real job pays more than his real job.

Hey app development is a GREAT job. All though in some cases its not a balanced wage, it still is a great job. Theres a guy on youtube who just rides around in the 5+ Lamboghini's he has just made from app development and guess what. He's only 20. I cant wait until you get that rich and when your dad posts an fml saying: My son sent me pictures of his 5+ Lamboghinis for my birthday, only because i said his app development job is not a real job.

Then he obviously is ignorant and that kind if mentality should be ignored.

I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm in training to be a QATester and there are people in my family like "yeah, a job where you can sit all day." But I'm like "uh-huh. So when I'm making more money than you are, don't ask to borrow any." And I plan on taking this knowledge and building on it. So they can't touch me. Think of it that way. They can't touch you.

It's probably not a career until you make a sizeable amount of money from it, like being a rockstar or acting

hamish1962 5
ashliilynise 11