By BirdBrain - 14/12/2017 19:00

Today, I discovered that I don't have a college fund. My mother stole the money when she divorced my dad and he never bothered to tell me. Now he's offered to pay my tuition if I go to a military academy. If I don't take the offer, he wants me to move out by next Friday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 021
You deserved it 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alex Neiva 17

What in the world? What kind of father holds out on that and says something like that? Do you have any other relatives that would take you in? If you told them I'm sure they would understand your dilemma

There is NO tuition at the military academies. But, if you graduate, you will owe them 5 years of service. There are better ways. Lots of financial aid out there, but you have to do the work to find it. You can also enlist in the service, do 4 years, get paid, and then have them send you to college on the GI Bill. As the Bundy kids say, "Thanks, Dad!"


Alex Neiva 17

What in the world? What kind of father holds out on that and says something like that? Do you have any other relatives that would take you in? If you told them I'm sure they would understand your dilemma

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Mynxie I'm going to disagree here on which one of you is the idiot. It's obvious that mom is terrible for stealing the college fund. However, the main problem in this FML is that the dad opted to just not mention that fact, waited until their child had no chance of being able to save it ahead of time themselves, and then offered them an ultimatum regarding their future. The immediate issue is the choice of Military academy or being made homeless by the dad who was already aware the OP was going to have problems going to college. Mom's a thief and scum in her own right but Dad literally and knowingly set his child up to get screwed into failure.

OP, sorry about that! You do not have too many options. I suggest giving the military academy a try. You might come to like it. If not, at least you tried and that might change your Dad’s viewpoint. Also, it might be a bluff on your Dad’s part assuming you would not accept that option - Always call a bluff. They are not cheap and your Dad might decide to send you to a state university was a better idea.

There is NO tuition at the military academies. But, if you graduate, you will owe them 5 years of service. There are better ways. Lots of financial aid out there, but you have to do the work to find it. You can also enlist in the service, do 4 years, get paid, and then have them send you to college on the GI Bill. As the Bundy kids say, "Thanks, Dad!"

4 years don't cover 100% it covers a part of it only I served 9 years and after a minimum of 6 do they cover 100% been out since 2012

I did 4 years and got 100%. I think you only need to do 2 years and have an honorable discharge or be medboarded

There are US Military Academies, which are free, but are not so easy to get into. And there are private military academies which are relatively easy to get into and are expensive. Personally, I assumed the Dad was referring to a private or state version because it’s really not that easy to get into a US Military academy - There is serious competition for a limited number of slots.

Friesian 7

I did 3 years active duty service and got out 2013. That was enough to qualify me for 100% of my GI Bill. A reserve or national guard soldier will not qualify for more than 30% of their GI bill until they meet certain duty criteria.

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All your 3 comments are bashing women in general. Nobody is praising the mother for doing what she did and we don't know the circumstances of why she took the money. You're one of those guys that talk bad about women, but still have the courage to leave their mother until age 40. Goodbye.

I am not a feminist tw@t who thinks I can do no wrong

neuronerd 28

Someone is upset r/incest was banned, and doesn't have an outlet for his misogyny.

Live with*. Wow, numerous complaints and the editing button still don't work. That's fine, we see what happened with the internet today, so FML will be the last thing I pay for.

neuronerd 28

*incels on my end. I swear it was correct when I posted it. Are mods intentionally changing things to look like autocorrect mistakes? He'll, my phone tries to autocorrect insoles' to uncles if anything, not incest.

neuronerd 28

Ok, there's something within the page that changes words when they're posted, because I double checked for autocorrect errors in my last post. There were none when I typed it, but two appeared after. I'm pretty much expecting an "autocorrect" error in this, even though I've proofread it.

JBaeJae 5

1. Actually, both parents are to blame. 2. No one asks to be born. So the least the parents could do is actually help pay for an education, we need to get ahead in life. 3. Financial Aid is your friend. 4. You can get loans, just know what that entails for the long run after you finish school. 5. Good luck with whatever you solution you figure out.

Given his ultimatums, I would be deeply suspicious of his claim your mother stole the money unless you talk to her first and she owns up to it.

readingrachel 9

It's terrible that you've been robbed of your choice of institution for your college education. If you choose to go to a military academy you still get an education in the field you desire. There are many positions within the army. Many not even combats based.

neuronerd 28

My boyfriend's dad was similar, but it was either you play football in college and get a conventional degree, or get out. He wanted to go to art school. He chose to leave, didn't go to college, but is making a good living as an artist. Making it on your own is hard, and he's a stronger person than I, but it is possible to succeed without family behind you. As far as the college fund goes, technically, that was your parents' money, not yours, even if it was put in a college savings account. If your dad didn't care, it seems more like she got the money in the divorce, and it wasn't "stealing." That said, it's definitely a shitty thing to do, especially since you were counting on it being there. Hopefully, this is something you can talk out with your dad, or even your mom if she's still in your life, but if not, you can still succeed.

If he has money to pay for a private military academy, it doesn’t make sense to say your mom’s stealing of money is why you can’t go. However, no one - not the government, not your parents - owes you a college education. Instead of saying FML, earn your way to a college education and/or get a job.

thatonetribute 31
Bifloman 8

You saved all of your money for college and your mom stole it. How tragic.