By Rusty - 12/12/2015 00:49 - United States

Today, I did slightly below average on my programming project. Aside from it being unnecessarily difficult, I also couldn't focus on it due to problems at home. After I confided in my colleague about it, I heard him mutter, "I knew women were crappy programmers". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 174
You deserved it 2 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RedPillSucks 31

ignore him. I've been programming for 30 years and have known loads of good women programmers.

Jirayia senpai, Do you really watch anime at your age? I wana be like you.

See this is how sexism works. Sexist people don't care about the real reason for anything that another person is doing, they'd rather just make up a reason. It's especially sad when they make up a reason for something that flat-out isn't true (which is most of the time).

Countess Ada Lovelace. First computer programmer. Woman.

hey feminazi, he's not wrong. generally speaking women are more emotionally driven. And the op herself said she had things going on at home, like that's a valid excuse for screwing up the code.

rldostie 19

Anger, lust, frustration. All emotions which cause SOME men to make bad choices or be "emotionally driven." Men are just as emotional as women, it's just that their emotional expressions are more acceptable. Ex. It's typically more acceptable for a man to bang his fist on his desk when overcome with emotion than it is for a woman to cry when she's overcome. People are emotional creatures. Some control it better than others but gender has nothing to do it.

olpally 32

What the ****? This isn't the 1950's anymore... What a douchewaffle!! Keep trying op!

I know a girl who is actually really good at programming, sooo....yeah... lol

Most of my colleagues that work in the programming department of where I work are women and they do a hell of a good job - better than I'd ever be able to do.