By Rusty - 12/12/2015 00:49 - United States

Today, I did slightly below average on my programming project. Aside from it being unnecessarily difficult, I also couldn't focus on it due to problems at home. After I confided in my colleague about it, I heard him mutter, "I knew women were crappy programmers". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 174
You deserved it 2 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's sucks being a woman in a typically male trade sometimes. If you're good at it everyone condescends you by marveling at the fact that a woman can do something like that. If you're bad at it they feel bad for you or they think a man would be better suited to it. Speaking from experience. I'm a lady exterminator. Lol

**** that cocksmith, mother *******, rim job!!!

He sounds like a real male chauvinist pig

Trust me. From a guy who is working in the same field i must say these comments pretty common among the companies and even women in higher positions hesitate to to take woman who does programming. Its wrong assumption that people had in mind from long time.

I was a female programmer. My first job I received 16% raises every year. Woman can be that good.

BeardedLondoner 24

I'm so sorry that he has to be like that, OP!!!!! Just ignore him..he's very ignorant!!!!!

sfxscull 9

look up grace hopper. she was a female and one of the first programmers. like everything else it just takes practice.