By Dan - 20/10/2018 15:30

Today, I put some Gold Bond in between my legs to help reduce moisture. After I finished applying it, I discovered that the Gold Bond had Menthol in it. My crotch is on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 587
You deserved it 2 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Common sense would suggest you find out what it is you're putting on and in you beforehand, not after the fact.

“And for that minty-fresh sensation...”


Put some Liquid Heat on it, and fight fire with fire.

“And for that minty-fresh sensation...”

Common sense would suggest you find out what it is you're putting on and in you beforehand, not after the fact.

You should never put something on your crotch until you read whether or not it's for "external use only."

Fire IS a way to reduce moisture. You just learned empirically that it is a suboptimal way.

StagGT 13

this is normal. don't be a baby

Gold Bond for that minty fresh fire feeling 😂🤣

Didn't someone write a song about that?