By supertacowaffle - 18/08/2017 10:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I accidentally put my passport through the washing machine. It is completely ruined, and I have had it less than 3 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 554
You deserved it 3 448

supertacowaffle tells us more.

Hi, this is my FML. Basically after a 32 hour trip back from Australia (layovers, waiting round etc) the second I got home I put my jacket in the wash and it had the passport in the pocket. Complete my fault, just thought it would make a funny FML.

Top comments

You can either buy a replacement or stay in the UK forever. The second option is more economical and reasonable.

That's ok, I'm sure many in my country don't even know what a passport is


You can either buy a replacement or stay in the UK forever. The second option is more economical and reasonable.

Not sure about that at the moment - there is a lot of controversy about he question but several government experts are of the opinion that things will be dicey for a while. On the other hand, if OP holds on for a little while, maybe they will be able to get a lovely blue one.

That's ok, I'm sure many in my country don't even know what a passport is

exileonmainst 16

Passports and washing machines just don't mix. I've accidentally ruined three washing machines that way..

Hi, this is my FML. Basically after a 32 hour trip back from Australia (layovers, waiting round etc) the second I got home I put my jacket in the wash and it had the passport in the pocket. Complete my fault, just thought it would make a funny FML.

Should be good...especially for europe. That happened to me once and i still used it. My passport has the area with info and pic in plastic though. But I wouldn't risk it outside of europe.

It's okay. When I was in New Zealand, I dropped it in the rain at 5am as I was waiting for the Airport shuttle to go home. Somehow I got it back after I realized, but it was a close call.

Bianca Hough 6

Could be worse, you could have been stuck in South Africa.