By DumbDinosaur - 09/03/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, I decided to do a load of laundry. Two minutes into the cycle, I realized that I left my iPod in my sweatpants pocket. The washing machine door locks automatically and cannot be opened until the 40-minute cycle is up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 358
You deserved it 52 314

DumbDinosaur tells us more.

DumbDinosaur 0

The machine was in my dorm building and was your generic industrial washer - no OFF switch, no fancy doors, etc. Once the cycle's on, it's on for the duration. Since it was linked up to 9 other machines, had I pulled the plug, I would've not only flooded out the laundry room but would have had 9 very unhappy residents on my back..heh. Oh, and never mind the happy ending - the iPod never bounced back to life. Serves me right, I guess.

Top comments

if you turn the cycle or machine off the door unlocks. You can then turn it back on and keep washing your clothes.

That's why you always check your pants pockets to make sure they're empty before you throw them in the wash.


yes it can press the pause button on your washer don't be a moron lol alot of washers have that feature

Chey667 0

I got pushed into the river and forgot my ipod cromatic 8generation I put it in rice for a week and a half charged it and I wrked for about an hour then my sceen went blak but still played for about a day then died forever

there is a way to stop the cycle then the door will open

mymaimy 0

I've never heard of not being able to unlock a washer door. I've been around them a lot, so I think ur lying.

upsidedownfrownn 5

I'd cry if that happened to me lol

um.. my washer door locks too, but if you press the pause button, it'll stop and unlock. unless you have an old ass washer.

Well you could've turned of the electricity?

row74 7

I am typing this on my iPod that went through the wash months ago. I only just found out it could work again. A word of advice, don't throw it out, and do not try to turn it on. That screws it up. After ages plug it in to the charger.