By emisara93 - 23/12/2017 19:00

Today, I chipped my tooth by biting down on my toothbrush. I don't know what hurts more: the irony or the fact I have no dental insurance until January. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 673
You deserved it 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UselessWeeaboo 14

Why were you biting your toothbrush in the first place?

AssExecutor 6

Well, at least you will have dental insurance? Hahaha


UselessWeeaboo 14

Why were you biting your toothbrush in the first place?

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

Maybe a vibrating toothbrush that hit the right spot??

julfunky 29

You should be moving your TOOTHBRUSH to brush your teeth, not your jaw.

AssExecutor 6

Well, at least you will have dental insurance? Hahaha

Goatstookallusernames 5

Biting plastic tooth brushes dont cause hard enamel to break. not even if your tooth has a prior crack. i am not buying this one.

How often do you brush your teeth for them to chip when you bite on your toothbrush..?

Tell us why you bit the toothbrush, and you better tell the <I>tooth</I>!