By Mumbling Mutt101 - 15/08/2011 06:23 - Australia

Today, I came home to find a window broken and my neighbours searching inside my house. Apparently, they'd heard a small child asking for help inside my house. I recently taught my dog to "talk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 475
You deserved it 5 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is funny? That I'm one of the people that thumbed down your comment. AHAH.


Well, at least they care enough to help. Some people would never go out of their way to investigate.

ya retard that's nit abs those are rolls laid on one another

abastard 3

You maybe should tell your neighbors to fix your window and to give back all the stuff they stole.

You called the police and had them arrested for breaking and entering, right? Because they can in fact be charged with that. IF they thought there was an emergency that warranted immediate action, they should have called emergency services. That's why they exist.

I agree. Press charges. They should have called the police.

xTheDoctorx 1

I don't know where you are from, but our cops are show up in minutes. Call them and within 5 minutes, they are there... Maybe you need better cops.

So if it were you're kid bust the window or wait and call the police the kid could be died

Maybe you caught them in the mist of a robbery

"mist of a robbery" is really a charming phrase. It sounds like modern art that doesn't suck.

I'm pretty sure "midst" is the correct, boring term, yes. Congratulations on your achievements in pedantism.

decidedlyvague 11

After waking up at the saturation, my mind was a little foggy. The last thing I remember was being in the mist of robbery.

muchagente 5

you sure it's been your dog? could have been the little girl that watches out of your living room window at night.

felah17 6

Does your dog say:" Yo quiero Taco Bell "yet??

Don't think you should point fingers at the dog. It may be something else =X oppsy.

sounds like u shoulda taught him to attack

this is definitly a lie. dogs cannot talk

I respect what your neighbs did there but not nearly as much as you for your epic achievement.