By Jimbo - 25/05/2010 09:29 - United States

Today, I came home on leave after a seven month deployment in the middle of the ocean for the Navy. My entire region got hit by the worst flood in recorded history. I need a speedboat to go to the Quick-e-mart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 347
You deserved it 2 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, at least your use to the water right?


Quick-e mart? Is tere such a thing other than the ones in the simpsons?? •-O

so it will be like being on the boat, just not a sausagefest. unless you're that way.

I was wondering the same thing. Didn't know there were actual quick e marts.

The_grumpy_bear 0

I bet you are sick of water! It could have been worse. I was expecting you to say something about your woman with another man.

Just be happy you're not surrounded by seamen this time. Unless you wanna be.

I believe he means the Shopette, it's very similar to the Quick-E-Mart at the base where I'm at.

dude not could make your life into a movie

iSitt 0

op is fighting for our right to post fmls and our right to guzzle gas

hahayousucks 3

request permission to borrow a battleship. lol

M4V3R1CKR13 0
azhein 0

14 you know women are on the boats now. they just can't be on subs or seals

Actually we are allowed on submarines as of this year, at least i know officers are

LabRats_fml 4

well, at least your use to the water right?

BelleElle_fml 5

LOL! That actually sounds like a lot of fun, even though by now your probably sick of being surrounded by water. :)

lovehurtz7 0

at least it wasnt katrina.! : [

I don't have a quick-e-mart here.... Lucky bastard *mumble*

xLeftoverxCrackx 0

Set an open course for the virgin sea, 'Cause I've got to be free, Free to face the life that's ahead of me, On board, I'm the captain, so climb aboard, We'll search for tomorrow on every shore, And I'll try, Oh Lord I'll try, to carry on I look to the sea, Reflections in the waves spark my memory, Some happy, some sad, I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had, We lived happily forever, so the story goes, But somehow we missed out on the pot of gold But we'll try best that we can to carry on A gathering of angels appeared above my head, They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said, They said come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me lads, Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me, Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me baby, Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise, We climbed aboard their starship, we headed for the skies Singing come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me lads Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me...

The irony, I'm watching that South Paek episode now. Epic win!

...but your tip will be a bit small cause my potatoes weren't really done.

haha 16. though it wouldve been funnier if she had meant it that way...

At least you've se7en months of practice!

Volcomsmy_Lyfe 0
FYLDeep 25

Cheer up, I'm sure the tides will change soon enough.