By SODbeatlesMCRlp - 19/11/2010 16:54 - United States

Today, I came home and found a can of body spray. My parents get me a new scent whenever they go shopping, which is usually at least twice a week. They left a note: "Do you get it yet?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 754
You deserved it 35 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no excuse for smelling bad, unless you're allergic to deodorant. And even then there are options. You totally deserve this one!


tough love. they're finally preparing you for the real world.

clean that nasty body with soap and a wash cloth. not your hand.

wDeemish 0

your parents purposely go shopping 2 times a week just to get u the spray .... take a shower man ytd

ownitx3 0

take a shower, they'll back off.

shelkie 0

because you smell.. Try learning to wash properly/often and to use the right deodorant ect :)

or sort out whatever problem you have which is making you smell so bad. :) (i've known people who couldn't help smelling bad.. but they did something about it and got it sorted.)