Not now!

By fml9124 - 25/04/2020 20:00

Today, the best manager I've ever had told me she was leaving to take a job at another company. I just found out my new manager is a guy that has destroyed three different departments in three years. He's the owner's nephew or something. I do not want to be looking for a new job during the Covid-19 pandemic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 828
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

They are worried that the whole department will go down and everyone will be out of a job who works there because the department has been destroyed... The fear is having to look for a new job because the new manager is so terrible that he kills the department...not that OP will have to work for the new manager...


thatkorean 5

Then suck it up and deal with it. You’re lucky to have a job right now.. Like I get you’re losing a manager you like but that should be the last of your worries.

rotflqtms_ 21

They are worried that the whole department will go down and everyone will be out of a job who works there because the department has been destroyed... The fear is having to look for a new job because the new manager is so terrible that he kills the department...not that OP will have to work for the new manager...

How is your manager switching jobs during the virus, then? I mean, you say you don't want to be looking for another job during this pandemic, but how is your manager able to get a new job at the time?

rotflqtms_ 21

More qualifications maybe? Also recommendations go far. Connections etc. Maybe the old manager is no longer there and that's how a position opened up for her, but there are no real positions for the job OP has.

You should be grateful to be employed.

rotflqtms_ 21

I think it's more that they're worried that the employment will end once the new manager starts working because he has a track record for tanking the departments he runs...and if I understand correctly...when the department is destroyed, everyone in the department gets fired. But I may be misinterpreting the whole situation.

Well, looks like you are. Did you find a new job?