By jessiegirl - 22/08/2010 03:32 - United States

Today, I called my boyfriend to tell him how sweetly the main character on my favorite tv show proposed to his girlfriend. He told me to hang on a second, and later forgot about me while he told his brother about the hot blonde he slept with last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 190
You deserved it 6 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smooth... What's wrong with people? Is being faithful really out of style?

CheaRight 0


TashaLenaKitty 0

Hopefully he is your EX now,what a douche bag

gman79 0

If a guy wants to marry you, he will. I'm sure he's heard of it since it's not exactly new, and doesn't need to be reminded. Usually 'girls', who feel the need to remind their 'boyfriends' of marriage, do it on a near constant basis. It's annoying. Stop it. But by the sounds of it, I doubt your relationship was at all serious, if even a proper relationship. Luckily, you know what's going on, and can move on from him. Better luck next time.

He's a cheating douche, but you are so naive and superficial if you expect your real life boyfriend to act like a cheesy dumb tv character. Stop watching crappy soaps and find yourself a better guy, who won't repeat soap lines to get into your pants.

in a way it sucks since you don't know if he was really cheating on you, or if he just staged it since he prolly thought you were implying marriage. either way FYL op ;(

Wow. So many wrongs... pointing out someone on your fave show proposed? Way to put the pressure on! Hope he's an ex now since you heard about his banging another girl.

imright24 0

You're still calling him your boyfriend so YDI.

YDI for wasting his time blathering about bullshit like that and or hinting at marriage in the most retarded way possible, I hope you get bit by a brown recluse

Technus 0

What does wedding proposals have to do with him cheating on her or getting bit by a deadly spider?

number 7 I agree some guys don't know what faithful is anymore.