By Rari - 09/06/2016 16:04 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I broke up with my fiancé after he cheated on me, and he now refuses to move out of the apartment. I'm even contemplating just offering him my Xbox One as a bribe so I can get him out of my life for good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 055
You deserved it 1 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'll have to sleep sometime. When he does, move his ass outside and lock the door.

It's moments like these I'd heavily consider the possibility that I'm living inside a Microsoft ad, OP.


Xbox is pretty much obsolete so it's worth it

If you own the place you can just call the police and force him out. If both of your names are on it some landlords will listen to your situation and take you off the lease so you can move. Hope it all works out OP!

Have you tried a restraining order, or generally standing up to him? Are you afraid of him or something?

Where do you stay?? For the price of that xbox one i'd move him out of anywhere you want

Depending on which state you live in I highly suggest not throwing his stuff outside. It may be illegal. Just file and eviction notice...

Ilovemusic237 19

You might could call the police. If the apartment isn't in his name that is.

Who's name is on the lease? If he is not, go down to the courthouse and pay the $2.00ish fee to legally evict him. If it is that big of a deal, why can't you move?

Your probably a total ugly fatty:/ sorry but maybe if you spent more time at the gym and less time playing xbox one he would have been sexually satisfied with you! #ps4