By Rari - 09/06/2016 16:04 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I broke up with my fiancé after he cheated on me, and he now refuses to move out of the apartment. I'm even contemplating just offering him my Xbox One as a bribe so I can get him out of my life for good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 055
You deserved it 1 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'll have to sleep sometime. When he does, move his ass outside and lock the door.

It's moments like these I'd heavily consider the possibility that I'm living inside a Microsoft ad, OP.


It's simple. Move out and the problem is solved.

When he's outside chuck all his suit out the door and lock it

If he isn't on the lease, call the fuzz and tell them he is squatting and wont leave. Simple, they will remove him. But if he is on the lease, then legally he has a right to be there sadly :/

bitch 10

Throw his stuff out when he’s gone and change the locks

Serve him with a legal eviction notice. If he doesn't move out by the final date, trespass him and call the police.