By lonelygirl - 17/08/2012 23:33 - United States - Circleville

Today, I bought the only cat on Earth that doesn't like chasing after a laser dot. Goodbye, hours of sick, sick entertainment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 068
You deserved it 27 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should give it catnip first, then try the laser pointer...


So you just bought a cat to let it chase red laser dots for your own entertainment. So you could probably post some stupid video's and pictures on the internet of how your cat chases 'the red dot'. Wow.

I have a cat who just sits behind the tv and wont play with any toy or laser pointers. I also have a dog who hates fetch and tug-a-war. -_-

My cat watches it slightly interested but she doesnt go after it

kitten1323 19

Holy shit, people need to calm down. He bought a cat and tried the laser pointer thing. The cat didn't chase it so he made a joke. A JOKE people. Does the fml say "Today I bought a cat so I could use it for entertainment."? No. It doesn't. So calm the **** down. Everyone here who is going all ASPCA on everyone is extremely stupid and can't take a joke whatsoever. It's annoying and rude. Get off your damn high horse.

I've got a Chinese crested hairless that loves the laser pointer to the point of obsession. Even if I open the draw where I keep it she'll come running like her life depends on it.


Quadroblitz 10

Cats only do that until they get older. My aunt has cats that are almost as old as me who never chase laser dots.

I've got a dog you would love, then. She will literally try to climb walls to get any sort of light. Even a flashlight beam.

I have a cat like that too. She is super fat too.

None of my cats chase lasers, and I have 6.