By kidswithnomanners - 05/09/2011 17:04 - United States

Today, I approached my daughter and told her she needs to clean her room. Her response was, "Thank you Captain Obvious." She's 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 317
You deserved it 10 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Her new name is now Catherine Obvious.

Jade: we gotta get out of here! Tori: yeah. thank you. katharine obvious! Trina: what?  Tori: i said, thank you katharine obvious! Robbie: did she say KATHARINE obvious? Andre: it’s captain obvious.. Tori: huh? Jade: the expression is thank you CAPTAIN obvious. Tori: it’s not katharine? Trina: no. Beck: who would katharine be? Tori: katharine could be a captain. 


leonaXD 0

I'm sure that her parents didn't teach he that, most adults are mature enough to not say that kind if stuff.

hiscrazygurl1 5

I wonder what else you've taught that poor child.

Cut teennick from her tv time. Nuff said.

perdix 29

If the kid had a proper pre-school education, she would have said: "Hey, old lady, don't you have anything better to do than rag on my ass? The room ain't gonna clean itself, y'know, chop-chop!" Too bad you cheaped out on your kid's schooling.

Just think she's only 4, I'd hate to be you when she turns 14. FYL now and for the next 20 Years

Agreed. You will be posting FML's through tears for the next 20 years. You are an abject parenting failure.

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Beat her now, and repeatedly, before she becomes an uncontrollable 9 year old.