By misc - 08/02/2009 02:31 - United States

Today, I accidentally unplugged my headphones in the quiet section of the library, causing my music to play from my laptop at full volume. I was listening to Celine Dion. I'm the captain of the football team. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 504
You deserved it 51 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feelslikeanoose 0

Oh right because everything in high school completely MATTERS.

lemonkid44 0

haha so what? you're in control, just be like "hell yeah i listen to celine dion, so what?". no matter what they say it doesn't matter


XxAngel77xX 0

ok there's nothing wrong with a jock listening to this type of music. this jus shows that he's soft at heart :)

laylajune15 0

never be ashamed of what you listen to. music is the way people express themselves and expressing yourself should never be shameful

Sukismama 2

So....celine dion has some good songs why is your life ****** because you listen to good music???

there isn't anything wrong with it. I think it's cute actually.

liy223 6

the dude above me must be the one compensating since obviously he has the time to read that much into an FML and write a paragraph about it.