By likearacehorse - 12/02/2013 22:58 - United States - Franklin Lakes

Today, for the second time in two months, the person in the bathroom stall next to me commented on how loud I pee. This time, she made racehorse noises. I'm now too self-conscious to pee in public again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 614
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be proud of your stream, young Seabiscuit. it's really nothing to be embarrassed about

You should have neighed. Awe well I hope you feel less self conscious :)


People really need to learn how to use their verbal filters because apparently, they feel the need to tell you exactly what they think of your pee volume... like their opinion on the matter MUST be heard! How bored can these people possibly be with themselves if they can't seem to mind their own business? They're rude, and inconsiderate... FYL for sure!

Well said, 58. That's a situation where it's best that people keep their thoughts to themselves.

Geez who does that? Every person is different. Next time tell them to eff of and mind their own business.

Tell them if they don't shut up you will pee into a cup and pour it on them. People shouldn't be so rude and you shouldn't have to be afraid of going to the bathroom.

Satoaoi 13

I don't use public restrooms. they can't be trusted lol

Look up Mark Elliot... He spoke at my school and should make you feel a little bit better!

Hahaha! You got to admit though, pretty witty of her to come up with horse noises

Wow. SOME people just can't figure out how that thought filter works. What dumbfucks. I'm sorry that insensitive people mentioned something so intimate and so ridiculously stupid to comment on...thinking it their business. Racehorse noises? Yeah, maybe you should've whinnied or neighed- she started the idiocy. Better yet, kick in her stall.

I would have farted and told her to put that in her pipe and smoke it.

Little_Lamb_fml 13

What the hell?!? What is she the pee monitor?