By redriver - 18/06/2018 14:30 - United States

Today, exactly 28 days after I started my last period, I started a new period. This would be perfectly healthy and normal except that my last period was 24 days long. This has happened every month this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 515
You deserved it 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you haven't already, I would urge you to go to a doctor or even a health clinic. That isn't normal and they should be able to stop it. It could be a side effect of birth control pills or anything really. You need to get it checked out to check it is nothing serious and to help stop it as it sounds uncomfortable to say the least.

Going on the pill is a good way to try and fix this, a similar thing happened to me. Also look into the very real possibility of having endometriosis


sounds like fibroids see your doctor asap.

tounces7 27

It sounds like you're on an IUD. Those can do that unfortunately.

Been there. You have a hormonal imbalance my dear. Get some medication from your OBGYN.

go to the doctor before you bleed to death.

GIJoefan 6

Get your iron levels checked to because this much blood loss can set you up for anemia.

really_meow 7

Had a coworker with the same problem and she waited a little too long to go to the doctor... when she finally did, it turned out to be endometriosis and she actually almost died... definitely do not wait to get that checked out by a medical professional 😨

Praying for you. Hopefully you went to the doctor.