By redriver - 18/06/2018 14:30 - United States

Today, exactly 28 days after I started my last period, I started a new period. This would be perfectly healthy and normal except that my last period was 24 days long. This has happened every month this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 515
You deserved it 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you haven't already, I would urge you to go to a doctor or even a health clinic. That isn't normal and they should be able to stop it. It could be a side effect of birth control pills or anything really. You need to get it checked out to check it is nothing serious and to help stop it as it sounds uncomfortable to say the least.

Going on the pill is a good way to try and fix this, a similar thing happened to me. Also look into the very real possibility of having endometriosis


I had that when I had the rod thing in my arm.

Nexplanon? Girl I haven’t had a period with it at all and it’s great. I feel bad for you and OP and all the others who have to go through Satan’s waterfall in excess.

You may have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I would go see a doctor immediately. I had that happen to me for about 3 months before I saw someone and by that time I was so severely anemic the doctor said it was as if I had gone through major open heart surgery. That is also when I found out I had PCOS. It’s easy enough to treat but can lead to other complications in life.

thatslifeiguess7 16

It's very rare--almost unheard-of--for women to be hemophiliac. If I remember my high school anatomy class correctly, it's a recessive gene on the X chromosome. Unless mom is a carrier and dad is a hemophiliac, you won't see a girl with hemophilia.

Suaria 38

Like everyone else has said, you should get this checked out. This is not normal, and could mean something serious is going on.

I had a period that lasted for almost a month. It finally stopped when my oldest daughter started her first period. For the last five years my periods have been effected by hers. Her's have skipped around alot while mine use to always come on the 18th of the month. I've had months where I had two periods. The PMS mood is killer. The only thing that has helped is when she was 16 we put her on birth control to regulate her's and now I can predict my periods by her pills. I know it is scary, but my doctor talked like it wasn't a big deal. :( Unfortunately I do know other people who have had to have a hysterectomy because of this sort of thing too, but I hope that isn't the case with you.

You really need to see the gyno if you're bleeding for that long.

I’m in the same boat except mine hasn’t stopped for 2 months and doctors ain’t doing shit about it

While waiting for your gynecologist appointment, have some chopped liver for lunch and liver pate for breakfast. If you don't like chopped liver, have a great juicy steak with its sides of bone marrow and osso bucco. If you're vegan, have some nice iron supplements and beer yeast. The point is, your iron levels might be a teeny bit low.

yikes. been there. make sure you're not anemic, blood transfusions are no fun. having my daughter fixed mine. mine lasted at least 2 months though, everytime. hope you get that figured out!