By sexxibxmami - 19/02/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, my mom came over to visit and permed my hair. Ten minutes after she started, I told her it was burning. She told me to suck it up because it doesn't hurt that badly. I now have scabs all over my scalp, hairline, and nape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 076
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate parents that say suck it up. My best friend in high school lost his kidney because he was told to suck it up. He sued his parents for neglect, won and took the out of state scholarship.


PsychoMerk 0

woah o.o this is what power feels like... sorry guys, just had a burst of excitement :)

mattchap 0

I love the brave little toaster

isreal 0

u should have let her do it if it hurted u should have told her to stop dumd ass

brandothemando 0

ironic,ur name is ialwaysYDI and you said ur life sucks

no protectant? that's what keeps it from damaging your skin and scalp.

iCanMakeYoBEDROC_fml 0
saranottelling 7

Your mom sounds lovely... Shave half of her hair off as she sleeps. She'll have to make the tough decision to go bald or to keep her one-sided hair. Good Luck.

rogerdodger777 0

that's your mom's way of saying don't perm

SuiGeneris01 2

snicker I see you're always on, ydi for not punching your mom in the face

I hate parents that say suck it up. My best friend in high school lost his kidney because he was told to suck it up. He sued his parents for neglect, won and took the out of state scholarship.

tereshay 0

ooo I needa sue my parents too!