By Ouch - 02/12/2018 13:00 - Australia - Port Melbourne

Today, I asked the guy of my dreams out to the cinema. After saying to me "It's a date!" I started booking tickets. He said, "Why are you booking two?" I looked at him confused and then he said, "What about Dave? Dave? My boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 129
You deserved it 560

Top comments

chessu 21

Gay or not, taken or not, he shouldn't have assumed his boyfriend would automatically be added to the guest list. Absolutely cannot stand people who do that. I asked you out cause I wanted to hang out with you. Not you and your partner. That being said, this may have been him trying to let you down what he thought was in a gentle way.


Maybe it’s a buy one get one free kinda deal?

whiskey'swino 15

Sorry hun, I think you're lacking something significant that even if he would be single you would not be his type.

Always a chance he’s bisexual .-.

chessu 21

Gay or not, taken or not, he shouldn't have assumed his boyfriend would automatically be added to the guest list. Absolutely cannot stand people who do that. I asked you out cause I wanted to hang out with you. Not you and your partner. That being said, this may have been him trying to let you down what he thought was in a gentle way.

Some people are selfish and inconsiderate and self-absorbed. So there's that. I wonder why the OP didn't know the guy of her dreams were seeing someone else (gay or straight). So maybe the OP knew the guy was in a relationship, didn't care, and asked him out anyway in an attempt to steal him. Unfortunately, gay doesn't work that way. If the OP did do that knowingly, then I hope this makes you reflect on what you tried doing to this person and their SO and is a little bit ashamed

sparx1_1 12

If someone invites me somewhere I automatically assume they are inviting my wife as well. Why would this be any different?

"The man of your dreams" but you don't know him well enough to even know if he's single (let alone into your gender)? Yeah, you kind of had this coming, sorry.

I feel like ppl stealing FML posts, because this was posted few weeks ago...

So he's the guy of your dreams but you don't know the most basic things about him?? YDI