By Jack.mercado - 19/03/2016 16:58 - United States

Today, being the new driver I am, I was trying to keep my speed at posted because I know that cops will target me. I ended up getting pulled over for my too-low speed and given a ticket because I was holding up a line of cars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 614
You deserved it 12 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

This just goes to show that being "too" careful also has consequences.

Don't worry driving will hopefully get easier... strange how he didn't just give you a warning considering you're a new driver


You're supposed to keep up with traffic. It can be dangerous to do the speed limit when everyone else is speeding.

it's a speed limit not recommendation. As long as you're not over it or under by 15/20mph you should be fine

Even though #5 got buried, fight it! Check the minimum speed limit on that highway and in your state, go to the court and plead "not guilty". You can not be fined for following the speed limit.

You're supposed to go with the flow of traffic, but never do more than 10 mph over the limit. On back roads, no more than 5 over

You have to keep with the flow of traffic. Driving too slow is dangerous. If you were going under the speed limit and someone was going a bit over the speed limit and didn't react fast enough you could have caused a wreck. Just go with the flow & don't drive eradictly. Cops can't pull you over for doing 5 over the speed limit if everyone else is doing the same.

AliGInTheHouse 24

This reminds me of the scene from Friends

How are you a 'target' OP? The police don't target new drivers, and unless you're doing something illegal, you're not even that likely to have your plates run. Also it's one thing to be careful which is fine, but another altogether to obstruct traffic. This post had me facepalming so hard. -_-

DeadxManxWalking 27

is the speed limit really a limit or a command? They say to go the speed limit but then they get mad when you go over it or below it.

YDI because traffic laws say that if you're going the speed limit but holding up five cars or more you're supposed to pull to the side and let them pass. Plus you're supposed to go with the flow of traffic.