By Idktbh - 18/11/2017 22:00 - United States

Today, when I finished helping a customer, she said, “Thanks cutie!” When I thanked her she giggled and said, “I just like making people smile, plus I bet you don’t get called that often!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 218
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dgo6 5

And quickly, that smile faded away.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Kind of un-did the good she was trying to do.


Probably because you’re so ruggedly handsome. “Cutie” is for femme-y guys.

ScarletteEve 33

I actually agree with this, minus the specifications. "Cute" is a far more feminine choice for attractiveness than it is masculine. You don't usually hear strangers calling a man cute, but it's a normal interaction between two women who don't know each other. I can see she meaning it in the specific choice of word rather than general appearance, but she really should've worded it better.

Mysterion549 7

Now that you say it, looking back at it it did seem that way

She's absolutely right, isn't she? You probably wouldn't have posting this if it weren't.

*posted. Honestly, who the **** thought it was a good idea to take away the ability to edit comments?

Lobby_Bee 17

Did she just admit the compliment wasn't genuine and its just a pity compliment?

dgo6 5

And quickly, that smile faded away.

seyeran 9

There is a very good chance she meant it not as "you're not very attractive, so no one would call you pretty/cute/whatever," and more as "I bet people don't compliment you often, even though they should"

TeachAllTheMath 19

Kind of un-did the good she was trying to do.

ohsnapword 21

"Joe, I think you're cool." "Just kidding, I think you suck. Queer."