By Barista - 05/07/2009 05:21 - United States

Today, at work, a woman came up to the counter and asked if we made sweet and sour chicken. Before I could answer, she told me a really long recipe and said "I expect to see this on the menu next time I come in, or I will complain to the manager about your lousy work ethic". I work at Starbucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 502
You deserved it 39

Top comments

uhhhhh. xD I think you need to warn the manager about the crazy lady demanding sweet and sour chicken.

letitbe56 0

Something similar happened to me once. I was working in a B&N cafe (which is basically a Starbucks, but owned by B&N) and this guy came in--in his 20s, so young enough to know better--and was like, "How do you make your chai? Is it with some kind of nasty syrup?" I told him that yes, we did use a syrup, but that it wasn't too nasty. He was then like, "No. That's no good," and he proceeded to tell me various chai suppliers in the area, as if I, a barista at a bookstore, had any authority to change where a large, national corporation bought its chai.


hawaiianxpunchx3 0

its an fml because she obviously cant put that on the menu so the costomer will complain to the manager about her service and she might get her fired

FHL, cause when she comes back, she ain't gettin no sweet and sour chicken.

Hunterstown88 0

your life was ****** the second you decided to work for sbux. i know cause i work there. and the customers are ASSHOLES

That's why I don't work at Starbucks, because you're not allowed to tell off crazy bitches when you're an employee there.

that sounds more like a zach galifianakis joke than a fml