By Barista - 05/07/2009 05:21 - United States

Today, at work, a woman came up to the counter and asked if we made sweet and sour chicken. Before I could answer, she told me a really long recipe and said "I expect to see this on the menu next time I come in, or I will complain to the manager about your lousy work ethic". I work at Starbucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 502
You deserved it 39

Top comments

uhhhhh. xD I think you need to warn the manager about the crazy lady demanding sweet and sour chicken.

letitbe56 0

Something similar happened to me once. I was working in a B&N cafe (which is basically a Starbucks, but owned by B&N) and this guy came in--in his 20s, so young enough to know better--and was like, "How do you make your chai? Is it with some kind of nasty syrup?" I told him that yes, we did use a syrup, but that it wasn't too nasty. He was then like, "No. That's no good," and he proceeded to tell me various chai suppliers in the area, as if I, a barista at a bookstore, had any authority to change where a large, national corporation bought its chai.


I would've just told her it's not going to happen, and if she'd like to complain, I could get my manager for her lol. One time, I was working at a gas station. Some old guy was FURIOUS with me because I asked to see his ID when he paid with a credit card, as is store policy with EVERY card, because we had some stolen cards come through. He didn't understand that it was for HIS protection. He said "Well, I just won't come here anymore! And you can tell that to your manager!" My manager was standing right next to me activating some scratch tickets, and I turn slightly, say "Did you hear that, Chad?" and he responded "Yeah, I heard...." and I turn to the old guy and say "There! He knows!" and he storms off in a huff, and I yell out "HAVE A NICE DAY SIR!" lol

Manic_Depressive 0

I have I hard time believing that she was serious. She would have to have some type of mental problems if she was.

I love random shit like that.. I would have just laughed at the woman.. like seriously, your manager would have been like "uhm yeah.. this IS starbucks... we make coffee you moron"

Geez....and I thought the dude demanding baked chicken at KFC was nuts.

cheer_leader247 0

well now thay have grilled chicken thats pretty close lol

Lol that's crazy. Starbucks + No Sweet n' Sour Chicken = Fired? Lol

LOL this is the fml of the month. That woman probably thinks burger king should start serving lamb kebabs.

or maybe burger king would actually start serving food. Actual food. Off subject but hey I had to say that xD

has the woman never been to starbucks before? that might explain it, but if she has then she might want to see the doctor...

ILoveJace01 0

Tell the bitch to make her own damn sweet and sour chicken since she has the recipe and to cut back on the alcohol.

I worked at a bookstore cafe for two years. One woman asked me for a side of fries with her coffee once. That doesn't hold a candle to the best stupid request I got, which was for a quarter pound of ham. She came up and asked me for cold cuts at a bookstore with a completely straight face. We sold preassembled sandwiches and the woman wanted me to take eight or nine of them apart to give her a quarter pound of ham. When I explained that I couldn't do that for her without charging her for all eight or nine sandwiches (about 50 dollars), she flipped out and asked me what she was supposed to feed her kids. I suggested that she get a sandwich or pretzel and she scoffed. Finally I told her that there was a supermarket about 700 feet away where she could undoubtedly get a quarter pound of ham. This was where she completely lost her shit. "YOU WANT ME AND MY KIDS TO *WALK* THERE?" I couldn't keep from laughing when she said that. She was soooo time throw an apple or two in your gigantic tote bag. People suck.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

all he would have to do is explain that shit to his manager