By Anonymous - 03/06/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, at my graduation for my high school GED, my parents said they were getting all my family and my girlfriend together. So we all went out to a steakhouse down the road, everyone ordered steaks. Turns out the 'surprise' was me paying. I only got 50$ grad money, and the bill was 159.98. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 856
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kuroftw 0

You should have climbed out of the bathroom window and bailed :) hehe.


better_life_soon 0

Ugh that's so tacky of your parents and friends. YOU were the one who graduated therefore it should be a celebration for YOU, meaning you don't pay.

#71- No, that is not really why that is available. It's more for people who have severe/ life threatening illnesses or injuries that make them miss a large portion of school but can still move on with their life and attend college. But, people who screw off their entire 4 years in high school and then someday realize that was a bad idea also make use of them too. I don't know if i've necessiarly heard of people doing what you have done (skipping the last few years of HS to start college) ..... but no, that's not why they make GED's available.... and also, (assuming this is the US) you can't skip all four year's. You wouldn't be 16 until your sophomore year, and then would still need a parent's permission.

yonick561 0

wow have assholes for family

kangelaf 0

This is just a preamble to the dozens of financially "strapped" situations you will be in in the near future, trying to survive off of your GED education. YDI.

HelloRio 0

I got a GED because I was way too skilled to be in high school, but I'm not any dumbass, I'm in Georgetown University going into my junior year, and I'm only 17. The GED was something made for people in extreme circumstances and military reasons, don't diss people for getting it if you don't know the story behind it GED= High School Equivalent One more thing, people who get a GED tend to actually be more successful then high school grads.

Is that really how they phrased it? "The 'surprise' is that you have to pay for us!!"?? If so, get a new family. What assholes.

firezdog 0

Maybe they think that, because you're now a high-school graduate, you can afford to foot the bill? Still, that's really crappy -- I hope you let them know that. Also, to all the people dissing GED's -- give me a break! I can't fathom how having a GED is worse than not. I'd even think that the GED is better, since you actually have to pass a nationally recognized test -- whereas you can get through high-school by just showing up and getting C's. (Come on -- unless school is really hard for you, getting C's is no real accomplishment.)

Sounds like a cheap steakhouse if that was the total. Still...kick your family in the face.

#48 said it, though there are reasons besides drugs and alcohol that would also make someone drop out. You guys are jerks for saying that he deserved it just because it was a GED rather than a high school diploma. I agree with #70.