Our little bundles of joy

By Anonymous - 25/04/2021 23:00

Today, my partner and I were both horny at the same time. I entertained our 3 kids while he jerked off, then he entertained them while I went and masturbated. We live together and this is the first time we’ve been horny at the same time since Christmas, because we’re both so exhausted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 643
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not understanding why you couldn't find something to keep your kids busy so you and your partner could have sex with each other.

Do you not have the kids on a routine? I did homeschooling for 15 years so I know it can be done. My kids had special needs. I don't understand parents who let kids run the show. What are you and your spouse going to do when you're empty nesters?


Do you not have the kids on a routine? I did homeschooling for 15 years so I know it can be done. My kids had special needs. I don't understand parents who let kids run the show. What are you and your spouse going to do when you're empty nesters?

barrydoctwo 3

thy have the right to say what thy feel and do

I'm not understanding why you couldn't find something to keep your kids busy so you and your partner could have sex with each other.

J15237 25

Um that sounds like more work then mommy and daddy will be right back and you go have a quickie. How old are your kids? I mean I am sure they would have been fine alone for a few minutes. Or at this point you call a babysitter and go get a room.

bleachedraven 14

Oh my God...go have sex. It's a need. There's always a way to slip away for a moment.

barrydoctwo 3

I've done that every one had fun

It's obviously a subconscious defence mechanism. Being horny at the same time is WHY you have three kids.