By toot_toot_turtle - 17/03/2016 03:41 - United States - Monroe

Today, at my brother's baseball practice, two 6 year-old girls wanted a piggy back ride. I get this a lot due to my size, so after telling their mom how good I was with kids, I let one get on my back. I then promptly tripped over a puppy and face planted, resulting in a crying child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 898
You deserved it 2 701

toot_toot_turtle tells us more.

I forgot to add that both the kid and puppy are fine. My pride? I will never be able to go to my brothers baseball games again. D:

Top comments

You failed, OP. This was a test of your spatial awareness, and it's only going to get worse. Next it will be trip wires and LEGO pieces.


Am I the only one that wonders why OP get's asked for piggyback rides because of her size?

I gave a piggyback to a friend's little sister once and she kept bouncing and tugging on my shoulders and I told her to stop because she was throwing my balance off, but she didn't and I fell, right on top of her. It was pretty awful, so cheer up OP, you could have landed on the kid.

saffy66 34

Anyone who boasts about being 'good with kids' is just tempting fate.

PePziNL 20

Is your brothers baseball ok?

BabyCakes818 16

Bragging will get you nowhere but the opposite result. Lol.

I forgot to add that both the kid and puppy are fine. My pride? I will never be able to go to my brothers baseball games again. D: