By sexyfreak2510 - 03/09/2009 06:47 - South Africa

Today, at my bachelorette party, I got so wasted, I ended up giving my stripper a lap dance because he "wasn't doing it properly". There's photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 302
You deserved it 51 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's okay! What happens at a bachelor(ette) party, stays at the bachelor(ette) party. It would be completely evil for your friends to ever mention it to anyone.


look, I'm not saying YDI for being drunk, I'm saying YDI for not anticipating that you'd do something like that at your bachelorette party. and come one, it's not that bad. it's not like you ****** the guy. the photos are just something you'll look back on one day and laugh hysterically at.


DasHaas 9

You know what you're getting into when you have too much alcohol, you still choose to drink, live with the consequences, don't act like a child. Either don't whine, or don't drink so much.

ciaobella_fml 0

Shows you were having a good time. This isn't a FML.

firenighthawk 3

well that's marrage is going to hell right away. YDI for being a tramp

you are a *****. go slurp feces from a nintey year old black woman Aka scariest thing on earth

Dynoblaze 1

don't be too worried. there's most likely pictures of your fiancé getting a ******* from a stripper. he can't call you out on this.

kewlfox 0

You can't assume that... so that is completely unfair.

Um, getting wasted and being crazy is the point. It's a bachelorette party, not a boring spinster party. Side note: Was the stripper Plexico?

No, my specialty is doing my solo act at closing time. I call myself the "headline act," but the reality is that I clear out the room faster than a fire alarm. That is, among the normal clientele. I do have a lunatic fringe following that likes the informal after-hours show. ;)

Come on, surely you know better than to tease us with "there're pictures" (to use correct grammar) and not provide a link.

Eli0 0


They're = they are. There're = there are. No, it's not a word, it's a contraction, and it definitely wouldn't be considered correct in formal writing but it is how some people say it. In the context of the fml, there're is at least better than there's.

The phrase "Useless without pics" comes to mind =)