Long term

By Anonymous - 18/01/2023 12:00

Today, I'm demisexual, meaning I don't feel comfortable having sex with anyone I don't have a deep emotional connection with. I dropped $300 on the birth control implant yesterday so I can have 'raw' sex with my first boyfriend in 4 years. I just got broken up with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 123
You deserved it 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He probably wasn't right for you. If it took you 4 years to feel a deep emotional connection with him, then that's an indication y'all weren't very compatible. You can feel a deep emotional connection with someone probably within a few months. I would say that's a healthy amount of time to get to know someone. Hope you heal fast and get back out there and meet someone better!!

I think she means he’s the first person she’s dated in 4 years, not that she knew him for 4 years.


He probably wasn't right for you. If it took you 4 years to feel a deep emotional connection with him, then that's an indication y'all weren't very compatible. You can feel a deep emotional connection with someone probably within a few months. I would say that's a healthy amount of time to get to know someone. Hope you heal fast and get back out there and meet someone better!!

I think she means he’s the first person she’s dated in 4 years, not that she knew him for 4 years.

I hate to be this person but the phrase Demi sexual isn’t a sexuality. It’s a preference. It’s the same as saying I’m attracted to muscular guys. You don’t need a whole new sexuality for it. Just say you only sleep with people you know very well