By whatswrongwithit?:( - 30/09/2012 19:37 - United States - Chicago

Today, as my girlfriend and I were making out, I slowly took my clothes off and revealed my body to her for the first time. She looked, smiled, and said reassuringly, "Aww, don't worry. I know how it's supposed to look." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 464
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very curious to see what "it's supposed to look like"..

Psych101 9

At least she was nice about it. If she had just left, she wouldn't have been worth your time.


hopsinlove17 26

Because you see dicks all the time...right?

You're doing it wrong. Whenever I make out with a girlfriend I'm attempting to remove her clothes not mine. If all is good she won't stop me and will proceed to take mine off for me.

lululu333 7

I was going to say, "don't knock it until you try it" but then I saw your display picture and also thought about your rude comment. Then I realized you couldn't, because nothing would want to try you.

Personally, you sound like a massive bitch. Have a nice day.

I think it's safe to say she has more experience with penises than you do

jem970 19

It's not that different actually. A lot of parents are choosing to leave their children uncircumcised these days. Religious purposes being reason and the parents unwillingness to inflict that pain on their child. Don't be so bitchy. If a man is uncircumcised and they have good hygiene it's not weird

When you say you're used to "seeing" cut ones, you're talking about **** right? Because I pity the blind fool who gets with you.

luvluvEgla 5

Aww looks like you won't be getting some....