By Rachael - 01/07/2011 03:08 - United States

Today, as a part of my job, I took a couple around to look at houses that are on sale. After driving them around and looking at tons of houses, the wife said, "Okay. I think we have enough decorating ideas." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 063
You deserved it 2 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

As a realtor, I lock every door in the houses I show my clients and don't open them until they agree to purchase the house. It is a very good technique.

flockz 19

kill thrm and wrap their bodies in the drapes. that's a nice little decorating touch that they should enjoy.


YDI for not pre-qualifying your buyers

Why is it that everyone thinks OP gets paid regardless if the people buy or not? There's a reason why real estate isn't such a hot job at the moment people... anyways fyl OP, people are rude.

practicesafesax 0

Um aren't you supposed to make sure they want to buy a house first...? ...... make them pay for your gas.

deefan101 11

what the hell?! I would have them pay for gas... and wasting time.

JokeMeister 0

Should have found out their intentions BEFORE you cranked up. Bet it won't happen again, will it?! that's what they mean when they say LIVE AND LEARN.

my mom hAd tje same thing happen to her. her clients never bought, just wasted her time. she only did that for a sad little year..

xOashleymarie 0

And that's when you stop the car and kick them out.

Realtors don't get paid to show people houses. They get paid when one gets sold. That's rude and really sucks.